How to navigate among the many dental centers?

Many patients make “the rounds of dentists or dental centers” looking for the best promotion because it is often expensive care: they contact the cheapest possible dental centers or dentists.

Here are some rules of caution:

Compare the entire service and do not simply rely on a website: you must know who the center is offering you its services, if it really has a care structure adapted to your needs (which means that he respects treatment protocols, uses specific materials and subject to traceability, international implant brands, etc.), if he correctly ensures the follow-up after treatment; if it can guarantee the expertise and skills of its dental surgeons in the specific context of dental care in France.

Today, there are few structures that meet these quality criteria.

Another determining factor, the prices: the customer must compare what is comparable, it would not occur to the idea of ​​putting on the same level a dentist in the provinces who works in a small office with his secretary, and an expert in implantology surrounded by ‘a team of specialists all working under strict protocol in an ultramodern center. The biggest illusion is to let yourself be lulled by low prices or a very attractive quote, thinking that the service is the same. Quality at a price, and it’s the same everywhere, but at PLACE DENTAIRE , this uncompromising quality of care for our patients often costs less than elsewhere, we offer the right price, because our strength is based on our network of centers across France.

Our global approach and our policy of care for all allows us to offer a dental care offer that is optimized in terms of value for money, but also to allow everyone to benefit from high-level dentistry at low prices, while benefiting from professional and personalized support.

The best advice is therefore to contact an experienced and recognized structure, which has experience in dentistry, monitors and optimizes the care at each stage of the treatment and is committed to the patient’s side.

For more information, contact one of our dental centers in France as soon as possible.

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