A Quick Yet Detailed Look at Laser Treatment for Retinal Tear

24 ViewsThe eye is an important as well as complicated organ that plays an essential role in our daily lives. Arguably its most important part is the retina, which is

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The Reasons and Signs of Winter Eye Problems

929 ViewsAs the winter chill sets in, individuals often find themselves bundled up against the cold, with a focus on protecting their skin from the harsh elements. However, it is

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Experts Answer Your Top Ortho-K Concerns

551 ViewsWHAT EXACTLY IS ORTHOKERATOLOGY? Orthokeratology, sometimes known as ortho-k, is a non-surgical method of correcting visual impairments while you sleep. The ortho-k lenses mould your cornea the same way

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ways to use alpha arbutin for under eyes & dark circles

807 ViewsEyes are the most alluring part of your face but the appearance of those beautiful eyes can be hindered if they are surrounded by dark circles. In today’s stressful

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5 Ways to Maintain the Health of Your Eyes

604 ViewsAt times, when you wake up every morning, your surroundings can look somehow blurry. After a couple of seconds, the blurriness fades away, and you start seeing things clearly.

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