Mindful tips to help you survive a mental breakdown

A mental or nervous breakdown is a mental health problem that manifests as intense stress-induced depression, anxiety, and dissociation of an otherwise functional individual. A mental breakdown is so bad that it makes it hard to function on a day-to-day basis until the mental health problem is resolved. In most cases, some of the symptoms of a mental breakdown include feeling hopeless, thoughts of self-harm, suicidal thoughts, intense anxiety, unexplained outbursts of panic attacks, insomnia, hallucinations, and extreme mood swings.

A mental breakdown is a severe mental health problem that can last a few hours to weeks. If you or your family member experiences a mental breakdown, you should seek immediate help from a professional mental and behavioral health provider. Let’s look at some coping tips to help you survive a mental breakdown.

Try to meditate

If you experience some warning signs of a mental breakdown, mediation can be helpful. Sit still and try to meditate at least once a day. If you are experiencing heart palpitations that make meditation difficult, then mindful walking can help. If that doesn’t work either, turn off the lights and stare into the darkness, a sensory deprivation that helps calm your body and mind. You should think about all the things you are grateful for in life.

Ask for help from family and friends.

One of the symptoms of a mental breakdown is feeling lonely. Not that you don’t have friends, but the breakdown makes you feel so drained being around people that you feel okay isolating yourself. It is good to maintain contact with family and friends during such times, and you can ask your friends to come over for company. This is also a great way to learn which friends will be there for you and cut down contact with friends who deplete you.

Listen to your body

Fatigue is a common symptom when you are going through a mental breakdown, and it is vital to give your body much-needed rest during such a difficult time. The feeling of sadness and depression often makes you feel sleepy. However, oversleeping is not healthy, and it can lead to brain fogginess and dizziness. Ensure you go out at least once a day for a walk or exercise for a few minutes a day to refresh your body.

Reduce your use of technology

When going through a mental breakdown, you feel like everything is too much, including sounds, light and screens. Reduce technology by indulging in a hardcopy story to keep you busy. Audiobooks can also be helpful as you only need to close your eyes and listen. Try to keep off social media and watch movies that make you calm and happy.

Seek professional help

Many people often lock themselves up when going through a mental breakdown, but that is not advisable. If anything, you should seek immediate medical attention in such a situation. A mental and behavioral health provider may help you deal with the anxiety and depression through talking therapy. Also, medication may help you deal with the physical symptoms of the mental breakdown. Getting professional help is vital when experiencing a mental breakdown.

Mental breakdowns can have many confusing symptoms. Not sure if you are experiencing anxiety or panic attacks? Check out the infographic below for more information.ketamine treatment for mood disorders

Infographic created by MD Infusions, a provider of ketamine treatment for mood disorders

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