The Power Of Neuroplasticity In Mental Health

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s capacity to continue growing and evolving in response to life experiences. Plasticity is the capacity to be shaped, molded, or altered; neuroplasticity, then, is the ability for the brain to adapt or change over time, by creating new neurons andbuilding new networks.

Types of Neuroplasticity:

There are four types of neuroplasticity mental health which are given below:

Mood disorder:

It is affecting your mental health condition. It’s a disorder in which you experience long periods of extreme happiness, extreme sadness or both.

Anxiety disorder:

Anxiety disorders are a type of mental health condition. Anxietymakes it difficult to get through your day.

Symptoms include feelings of nervousness,panic and fear as well as sweating and a rapid heartbeat.

Personality disorder:

A personality disorder is a mental health condition where people have a lifelong pattern of seeing themselves and reacting to others in ways that causeproblems.

Psychotic disorder:

Psychotic disorders affect brain function by altering thoughts,beliefs or perceptions.

Science behind Neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity underlies the capacity for learning and memory, and it enables mental and behavioural flexibility. Research has firmly established that the brain is a dynamic organ and can change its design throughout life, responding to experience by reorganizing connections—via so-called “wiring” and“rewiring.”Scientists sometimes refer to the process of neuroplasticity as structuralremodelling of the brain.

Can Neuroplasticity change the brain

The existence of neuroplasticity createsthe foundation for mental health treatment through rigorous and intensive cognitivetraining. It means that shifting beliefs and habits through talk therapy can create biologicalchanges that can help overcome conditions such as anxiety and depression. Brain imagingstudies have borne this out, demonstrating that therapy can produce lasting changes in brain structure and connectivity.


The brain, once considered to be a fixed and stable organ, is now viewed as dynamic, flexible,and adaptive. Efforts are beginning to focus on ways to harness the plasticqualities of the brain for treatment and recovery. There is much that is still unclear aboutthe relationship between neuroplasticity and mental health.

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