How to Keep Your Body Well Moisturised During Winters?

972 ViewsWinter is everyone’s favourite season, but what most people hate about winters is the dryness it brings along. Flaky skin on face, cracked heels, chapped lips hence every part

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Vascular value: what is an ankle-brachial index?

1,106 ViewsIt is imperative to determine a patient’s ankle-brachial index (ABI) for wound care, though it is often overlooked. This is because people often find the task quite daunting or

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How to Get Rid of Dandruff?

1,025 Views Your appearance is the first thing that others notice about you. The adage, the First impression is the last impression, fits perfectly here. Well-kept hair and nails along with

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How To Cleanse Your Skin Care In Spring

710 ViewsSpring; this is the season when we throw away the old and make room for the new, shake up the layers of winter and get ready to enjoy the

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The regulations of the beauty institute

735 ViewsProfessional skills In addition to technical skills, which must be regularly updated with the development of new equipment and new techniques, professionals must listen to their customers and succeed

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Which adults are affected by acne?

809 ViewsThe acne in adults is common and applies to both men and women. In the majority of cases, it follows juvenile acne . More rarely, it can set in

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