The regulations of the beauty institute

Professional skills

In addition to technical skills, which must be regularly updated with the development of new equipment and new techniques, professionals must listen to their customers and succeed in establishing a real relationship of trust with them. The job also requires good physical resistance (frequent standing). Finally, the professional must be a good manager (relations with suppliers in particular) and have good commercial skills (sale of products).

The regulatory environment

As a craftsman, the professional must hold a certificate of professional aptitude (CAP) or a certificate of vocational studies (BEP) or a diploma or an approved title of equal or higher level. issued for the exercise of its activity. Otherwise, he must provide proof of three years’ professional experience as an employee or self-employed person (law 96-603 of July 5, 1996). The decree of May 4, 2017 implements the obligation of professional qualification by profession (and no longer by group of activities) and introduces partial access to an activity. Thus, since June 1, 2017, it is necessary to have a CAP, or BEP, or an equivalent diploma, or to justify a professional experience of three years, in the trade or in the part of activity envisaged in order to be able to exercise it. The person qualified in a trade can however accomplish the tasks which fall under a related trade forming part of the same group of activities, without additional qualification, on the condition that these tasks call upon skills similar to those implemented. in the main trade. In addition, partially qualified people in an activity subject to qualification may exercise the part of the activity corresponding to their qualification.


Registration with the Chamber of Trades is compulsory. The main points of professional regulation

Open to the public, the premises must meet the safety standards relating to establishments open to the public.

Prices are freely set and must be displayed outside and inside the show.

Massage activities are reserved for physiotherapists. Aesthetics professionals can only perform massages.

If they wish to offer permanent make-up services, professionals in the sector must follow specific prior training.

The use of tanning equipment is highly regulated. Only UV1 and UV3 type devices are admitted to institutes, they must include mandatory information and be checked at least every two years by a Cofrac accredited body.

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