Who Should Be CPR Certified?

You might find yourself in a situation where CPR training is necessary, even if your job does not require it. This depends on how you live and interact with others every day.Who Should Be CPR Certified? Children, Seniors and anyone who is not fully able to take care of themselves should learn CPR.

Jobs That Require CPR Training

CPR certification is required for all healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, medics, police officers, sheriffs, firefighters, rescue workers, and other emergency responders. CPR training that includes the use of resuscitation gear and two-man CPR techniques is required for some medical specialties. CPR techniques have improved over the years through constant trial and error. It is therefore important to keep your CPR training current. As an example, Virginia’s law requires teachers to renew or obtain a teaching license in order to receive training in AEDs and CPR. All of these are available at the CPR Institute’s Virginia location.

Who Else Should Know CPR?

Dentists and dental assistants must be certified in CPR due to the severity of dental office operations. CPR certifications may be required for certain jobs and policies. Boy Scout leaders and bus drivers, as well as camp counselors, whitewater guides, hunting guides, and camp counselors, should all be trained in CPR. CPR training should be required for employees who work in hazardous jobs. The United States Department of Labor as well as the Occupational safety & Health Administration have their respective sets of rules and regulations regarding safety and CPR training for specific jobs, situations, and special industries, such logging.

CPR Training for Your Family

Anyone with a family must learn CPR. 85 percent of cardiac arrests are at home. There is nothing worse than knowing what to do in an emergency. Keep a first-aid kit in your vehicle, and learn how to perform basic chest compressions while you wait for emergency responders. This could make the difference between life or death for your child, spouse, or yourself.

This post was written by a medical professional at https://mywellnessfirm.com/.  The wellness firm provides onsite Flu Shots, onsite rapid COVID event testing, employee physical examination, as well as American Heart Association CPR certification classes. We have professionals that provide in-person hands-on, quality training.

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